October 24, 2010


I attended the New Jersey Romance Writers conference yesterday--overwhelming is an understatement--but in a good way. With so many workshops to choose from, it was difficult to decide on which to attend. Being  new to the professional writing world, I chose workshops that provided building blocks to get me on the path to publication.

I was infused with a sense of, "yes I am right where I should be," as soon as I sat down to listen to the first speaker. Newbies sat next to professionals who listened as intently as if it were their first introduction into the world of writing. Writers of all genres absorbed the lecture, smart enough to realize that one can always take away something new.

I worked my way through new introductions and "aha" moments but it was Claudia Dain's workshop on theme that pulled it all together for me. She demystified theme and my aha moment was so huge that I immediately thought of calling my boss to resign so I can stay home and write my masterpiece that would surely produce film options. My enthusiam was quickly put in check as I realized I still needed my salary to pay for my Internet access that would be necessary to support the emails going back and forth with the Hollywood bigwigs.

Claudia doesn't know this but I was scheduled for an agent appointment without a pitch. It was because of Claudia's workshop that I was able to put together a pitch minutes before my appointment and I secured a request for my work.

Maybe I still need to keep my day job for now but I walked away from the conference with a new found sense of my ability, confidence, and desire to write. I cannot stress enough how important it is for a writer to find a support group because only another writer understands the world you live in.

Thanks to Leanne Banks I now get through my day with affirmations that will carry me through my journey. And a special thanks to Annette Blair who wrote such a wonderful message in one of her books that I purchased. I keep reading the message and it makes me realize that I can get a seat at the author table one day.

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