So I hit the ground running with NaNo 2011. Two days proved more than the minimum words needed to finish the challenge in time. I was so ahead that according to the convenient stat counter, I would be done with my novella in time to throw the turkey in the oven on Thanksgiving day (this would be greatly appreciated by my family) if I kept producing my two day average. And then day 3 arrived but the words didn't, well that is not entirely true 272 words were added to my NaNo count. I type this as day 4 breaks and I am obsessing over that fact that my writing buddies will peek at my stats (hey I peek at theirs) and smile as their numbers surpass mine. That's fine. That's what NaNo is all about. You have an off day and your buddies send words of encouragement to keep you going. You return the favor when their word count if off.
The problem with my story is the two whiny women my characters have become. I don't like whiny so I have to make something happen to them to toughen them up.
Hmm, I think the word count of this post has surpassed my 3rd day NaNo production. Oh, well priorities.